As I have been thinking of my word for the NEW YEAR one has not jumped out at me like in the past several years. I was talking with a friend in sunny CA the other day via instant messagener(man computers are great) and as we were talking it occurred to me that instead of a word for 2010 I really want to have a different attitude. I use to really try and most of the time did find the positive in all situations and life occurrences. As most of you know this past couple of years has thrown me multiple bad things back to back and my attitude has taken a real shift to the negative. It seems that once you start down this path it is very hard to get back on the positive path. So instead of a word for 2010 I am going take an attitude change. I have several things that I am going to do to help with this along the way. I have them ready to go and will start on 01.01.10 to incorpate them. So, as those of you that cross my path in the coming year and see that ugly NEGATIVISM coming out, if you would gentle remind me to see the sliver lining, it would great be appreciated.
As I say good bye to 2009 the 43 year of my life I said good bye to my Daddy and Daddy T. These men played a very big part in my life and will be greatly missed for years to come. I also said good bye to alot of money that went on the house and hopefully the big stuff is done for awhile. Of cousre I still have small things left to do and many are non-money projects, just getting done projects. I did do more going green this past year and look forward to the challenge of doing more in 2010. As with most years people came into and left my life. Stepehenie did get through several sickness and will be able to go back to school on Jan 4th. I saw my first born Michael turn 21 and turning into a great young man loving life. Lived through Stephenie turning 16 and getting her license and experiencing that freedom. Learned how to go places by myself which is very hard for me, I am doing it enjoying it. Am learning what and who I am and boy at times that was scary.
GOODBYE TO 2009 and WELCOMING 2010 WITH OPEN ARMS. Ready to learn to embrace life!