Monday, March 3, 2008

The Bunnies are gone

Okay what do you get when you mix TUTTI FRUITTI, CARIBBEAN BLUE AND ARTICHOKE. A very 15 year old girl bedroom. I had one of those Mommy moments this weekend. Stephenie finally got her grown bedroom furniture after Christmas and has been waiting on the bedroom to be painted to match.Well it happened this week end. Thanks to my good friend Renee. Who came over on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon to help me to get the room done. Okay back to the Mommy moment it brought tears to my eyes to see the bunny wall paper go and the new updated teen room come to light. I will get pictures tonight night I was so tired at 10:30 when we went to eat and I crawled into the bathtub with very luke water. As Stephenie decided that she needed to take a long hot bath after watching Mom and Ms Renee getting her room back together.

Well today is the first full day back to work after the end of the month. Thanks goodness for Starbucks for the caffeine.

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