1. an act of acknowledging.
2.recognition of the existence or truth of something
Several years back I stopped making resolutions and instead started picking a word for the year. It makes things easier. As resolutions seem to get broken very quickly. Over the last few weeks I have been thinking of my word for 2012 and this what I choose.
Over the past several years I have been doing a lot soul searching and reflecting. I have come to the point that I need to acknowledge many things.
1. The positive aspects of my life and not the negative ones. 2. I maybe better/have more than some and not as good/have less than as others. 3. People will not like me and that I don't have to change just to make them to like me. 4. God will, when the time is right, put people in my life. 5. Yes I have good points and some that need to be improved upon. 6. My past is just that the past and I need to leave it there. 7. To live here in the moment, so that I can have real pleasure. 8. My children have become wonderful adults and to relish in this new relationship with them. 9. How to give back to my community. 10. Finding time for me and not feeling like I am being selfish. 11. What gives me happiness and learn to do it. 12. God is there for me and loves me for who I am. 13. Frugal doesn't mean poor or cheap.
So I am looking forward to what 2012 has to bring. I am ready to begin the ACKNOWLEDGMENT of what a NEW YEAR has to offer.
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all who may read this.
Making of Moments
A place to share moments,art,feelings and life's happenings.Because it is not the days we remember but the moments
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
23 Years Ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite SON! Thank you for making me a Mom and being my test child.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Gift of Hope

While working on this project it brought back many feelings and I did a lot of refecting about this horrible disease that effects so many. It can evoke angry, saddness, helplessness, lose, hope, fear and many more. It doesn't matter if it is a family member, friend, someone that you realy don't know or a beloved pet it effects you. That is the reason I became involved with Relay many years ago. As my Aunt had just been diagnoised with cancer, since then I have lost her and another Aunt has had two rounds with bladder cancer,a great friend has beat breast cancer, an Uncle has dealt with one type and just found out he has another type, friends have watched their Dad's fight the battle, friends and family have just recently have lost pets to it, MY DAD and the list goes on. It hurts no less if it is one person or many. So durning this season please remember that their are many that have been effected by cancer.
I know that they don't actually hold their events until the spring, but you can still donate to the Relays for 2012 now. In this season what better way to remeber someone you have lost or honor someone who is fighting that battle now.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
It's Coming

Thursday, August 25, 2011
1 Year
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Ode to Stephenie
Well it seems that I am a yearly blogger. As I was talking with my friend Carol the other day about things we wish we took time for or had time to do my blog came up. She challenged me to post to my blog before the end of the month. So here goes and I am challenging myself to post at least weekly.
So I am going to make this first long past due post to my daughter.
As I watch you preparing to start this new chapter in your life. I want to take this moment to tell you how proud I am of you. You have turned into a wonderful and independent young woman. Taking the next step in your life starting college and bettering yourself with an education. I thank GOD everyday for you and that you have become not only my daughter but my FRIEND. I want you to know that you bring me JOY, frustration and make my life complete. I wish you the best of luck on your next adventure in college. Remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. Keep on being true to yourself and loving your life. I will always be here for you, cheering you on and ready with a hug and shoulder if you need it.
With all my love and heart,
Saturday, July 31, 2010
365 Days

Over the last year life has taken some major turns for me and I have not
really felt much like blogging. I am now thinking that I am ready to start sharing with those few of you who read my blog again.This week is marking an end to the first year with out my Daddy, the beginning of a new manager's position for Michael and the beginning of the finial year of high school for Stephenie. So as those of you who know me know the water works have been working over time. As I look back over the last year of first with out Dad and Daddy T it brings mixed emotions both happy and sad. Not only the for mentioned beginnings I am also watching Katalina start her high school days, Joesph starting his second year in middle school, Sophia moving into 3rd grade and waiting on the arrival of a new niece along with her proud parents Bryan and Bethany.
My art has taken a backseat this past year as the mojo just had not been there. I must apologize to those of you that look forward to cards and such but I just couldn't do it. SORRY! Hoping to get back on track soon. I have done several projects for me (this collage piece about is one) and have a couple more in the planning process too. I will post pictures once I get them all done.
The house has taken priority this past year. While Daddy was in the hospital he and I had many discussions about what and how I needed to do many of them. Some of them have been hard to start and complete as they were to be our projects and he was not there with me in body, he sure was in spirit. I talked many things over with him while doing them. Once again now that I am feeling like sharing again I will be posting pictures.
My heart is heavy with sorrow, full of joy and hope for the future as I write this. I am glad to know that I now have two Angels watching over me. Knowing that God has carried me through the last year it the biggest comfort of all.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
She is ???

She has had a very diffucult year. As she had to at a very young age say good-bye to Papaw, has had the flu twice, mono, only will have had about 16 weeks of her junior year spent at the school and maybe facing surgery in the next few weeks. So I am trying to do some extra special things for her this year to make her birthday weekend fun. She had dinner with her Dad last night at Nagaski, on Saturday for lunch we will be having lunch with Michael, Emily, and Brittany. Sunday well I have a few things planned, but can't reveal today as she might just read my blog. Monday she will be having a message, her first and I am sure if she is like her Mom not the last.
But as with all that has happened over the past 8 months it is a bitter sweet celebration. As this will be the last birthday that she will be celebrating at Ninie and Papaw's house. She had her first one there and pretty much had the last 17 there. Mom has sold the house and will be moving to Arlington by the end of the month. So as we prepare to help Mom move on to another new phase in her life, I am sure there are going to be mixed emotions.
**Photo by Marci Lambert
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Finished Art

Here is another first for this year. This is my first canvas that was over a 5x7. It is a whopping 16x20. Which in my world is huge especially since I started it to help with the healing process after Daddy passed away. This is the scripture that carried me through the last seven month. I also have a hard time with doing art and not judging it or comparing it to others work. This piece was the first time I really just let myself go and do art. I really like the way it turned out and it will be the first piece that I will be hanging in my house that I have done.
This morning I went into the studio and it screamed out at me and said finish me! I think that is is only fitting that I finished it today. Today would have been my Daddy's birthday and tomorrow it will be 6 months since I said goodbye to him for this last time on this earth. I still refer to this passage often for strength and the promise that there is a season for everything and a purpose.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Birthday Thoughts
Even at 44 you must keep up with the trends. Cupcakes are it. My girls(Stephenie, Emily and
Tori) made me a giant one to celebrate my birthday. Mom took all the family out to Steak and Shake for dinner tonight. There are sometimes that a burger and fries with a coke is so good. Tonight was one of them.
Yes they let us light this fire risk in the restaurant. I have you know that I blew out all 44 candles plus the ? in one breath while making a wish! And no spit on the cake. So I guess this old girl still has it.

Tori) made me a giant one to celebrate my birthday. Mom took all the family out to Steak and Shake for dinner tonight. There are sometimes that a burger and fries with a coke is so good. Tonight was one of them.

As I look back over the past 44 years there have been good times, bad times, tough times and times that I would not like to repeat. But I have been blessed with many great things, family, friends and that is what I plan to focusing on this year. So tomorrow on 01.10.10 I will start the 44th year of my life looking for Sunshine and Sliver Linings.
PS! Even though I am trying to look for the positive in everything. I am still learning to live with out my Dad here to be apart of it. The positive side is I had 43 year 7 months and 28 days of love and memories of my Dad and no one can take them from me.
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