Wednesday, December 21, 2011

23 Years Ago

23 years ago today I was introducted to unconditional love! I welcomed into my life my first born Michael. Over the past years he has taught me many things, love, patience, frustration, stress and many other things. I just hope that I taught him half as much over the years. We have had some rough patches, but that unconditional love bridged the gap. I reflect over his life and I set back in amazment at the man he has become. He may not have done it the way I dreamed of years ago, but he did it his way. Which in my book it the best way. I am one PROUD Momma.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite SON! Thank you for making me a Mom and being my test child.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Gift of Hope

Last weekend we had our parade here in Arlington. This year The Relay for Life decided to have a float to let all know that we are very active here. Since I was the one that suggested it I became chair of it. We wanted to let everyone know that Relay is different from other groups in that it supports all type of cancer and not just one. Yes I know that is it not very Christmasie(not sure this is a real word) but we wanted show the true meaning of Realy and what it stood for and the float name was "Gift of Hope".

While working on this project it brought back many feelings and I did a lot of refecting about this horrible disease that effects so many. It can evoke angry, saddness, helplessness, lose, hope, fear and many more. It doesn't matter if it is a family member, friend, someone that you realy don't know or a beloved pet it effects you. That is the reason I became involved with Relay many years ago. As my Aunt had just been diagnoised with cancer, since then I have lost her and another Aunt has had two rounds with bladder cancer,a great friend has beat breast cancer, an Uncle has dealt with one type and just found out he has another type, friends have watched their Dad's fight the battle, friends and family have just recently have lost pets to it, MY DAD and the list goes on. It hurts no less if it is one person or many. So durning this season please remember that their are many that have been effected by cancer.

I know that they don't actually hold their events until the spring, but you can still donate to the Relays for 2012 now. In this season what better way to remeber someone you have lost or honor someone who is fighting that battle now.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It's Coming

We have had almost a week worth of Fall temperatures here in the south. It so renews my soul. I will be the first to tell you I am not a summer time girl. Fall marks the start of the season that I feel so alive. The colors that God paints the trees are beyond words and which leads into when they bare their souls to the world. My art mojo always seems to come back at this time of the year also. Even tho the temperatures are to rise again next week. I had this brief interlude to let me know that Fall will be here soon. Looking forward to seeing the landscape soon looking like the picture above.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

1 Year

One year ago today Stephenie brought someone new into our lives. His name was Hunter.(She was never going to date him) I can't say I welcomed him with open arms. As I was not sure if I was ready for this step in her life. Not saying she was either but it happened ready or not. As a Mom I watched them as they learn what it is to have a relationship. The spats, fights, surprises, butterflies, laughter, secrets and the falling in love. There are two families that have opened up their hearts and lives to someone new. Speaking for myself I am very blessed to have this new person in my life. All the milestones they shared together over the past year: senior year, Hunter's last high school football game, the birth of Ella in August(not theirs) and Hayden in November(once again not theirs), holidays, choosing colleges, becoming legal(by law), prom, graduation, saying good bye to Timmerman's twice and many others. As I reflect over the past year I have gotten to share in and watch a two young people become friends, grow in trust, share dreams together, make memories for life and fall in love. With all this said I want to wish you both a great day and MANY more memories! Hunter and Stephenie 08.25.2010

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Ode to Stephenie

Well it seems that I am a yearly blogger. As I was talking with my friend Carol the other day about things we wish we took time for or had time to do my blog came up. She challenged me to post to my blog before the end of the month. So here goes and I am challenging myself to post at least weekly.
So I am going to make this first long past due post to my daughter.
As I watch you preparing to start this new chapter in your life. I want to take this moment to tell you how proud I am of you. You have turned into a wonderful and independent young woman. Taking the next step in your life starting college and bettering yourself with an education. I thank GOD everyday for you and that you have become not only my daughter but my FRIEND. I want you to know that you bring me JOY, frustration and make my life complete. I wish you the best of luck on your next adventure in college. Remember that you can do anything you put your mind to. Keep on being true to yourself and loving your life. I will always be here for you, cheering you on and ready with a hug and shoulder if you need it.
With all my love and heart,